There is this disease called the coronavirus and it’s affecting all of us. It originated in China (I’m pretty sure someone ate a bat and got the disease) and then people started traveling so now it’s here in Texas so spring break turned into us being homeschooled we’re supposed to go back May 4th, but I doubt we’re going back. I just hope it’s all going to be over soon.
Author: afritsche
how I know Ike
My name is Mr.Noodles and I’m a fat blue and purple corgi. I meet Ike on the street and then 2 minutes later I saw him at the obedience school. The reason I was there was because I tear cats to pieces and I eat squirrels. But anyway Ike ran away from the obedience school and then a couple of minutes later I saw him on the news and turns out he saved his owner (aka you)
Sincerely, Mr.Noodles
Peter Dinklage and me
Peter Dinklage is an actor. He plays in Elf, Avengers Infinity War, and Lord of Thrones and he plays in many more movies. He was of modest means growing up but now he is rich. He knows Chris Hemsworth and all the other people who plays as an Avenger. Some things that we have in common is that we have the same birthday (June 11) and we’re both short. Though he’s a midget and that’s one thing that we don’t have in common. He’s rich and famous.
wildland fire
suppress all fires so there will never be another fire like the one in 1988
pro’s: no animals will be harmed con’s: its beauty will be gone
2.important landforms will be safe 2. the plants will be low
3.not to much of the enviorment is destroyed 3. room for the park/enviorment will be low
Nathan Greene
He took charge of getting supplies for the army
Washington made him head of the army
he served as army quartermaster
he was American
Nathan Greene
army of observation
he was a war hero
the war began on April 19th 1775
he was the greatest military genius of the war
women in the revolution
General Greene gives Emily Geiger a letter to deliver to General Sumter and on the way Emily stayed with people that were loyalist but she didn’t know and they didn’t know that she was a patriot
Midnight ride

Minutemen ready to fight at minutes notice In the night they ride to warn the colonist
Dashing by yelling one if by land two if by sea
Not knowing if the british would come by land or by sea
In the battle the British were called redcoats and regulars
Going to Lexington to Samuel Adams and John Handcock
He arranged a signal in the Old North Church
The british are coming the british are coming
Redcoats could come by two ways
In the end the British attack had been conveyed
Dr.Joseph Warren
Express rider is the job of committee of correspondence
love of reading
Martin luther king jr. day
The reason that we serve on MLK day is he didn’t have days off so if we had a day it wouldn’t be celebrating’s some things that you could do to serve you could pick up trash in other people’s yards,serve at a homeless shelter,give clothes and shoes to the homeless,mow people’s yards,and rake there yard as you can see there’s a lot of things you can do and there’s a bunch more you can do.So on MLK don’t just sit around your house all day go serve.
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